Clinical Consulations

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Case consultation can be helpful, at one time or another, for most clinicians. This is especially the case for therapists treating complex situations.
I have provided consultation for clinicians and agencies for over 20 years, currently lead a small case consultation group for EMDR clinicians working with complex cases, and co-lead two case consultation/study groups focused on helping clinicians integrate EMDR treatment with the theory of structural dissociation to treat clients with complex posttraumatic and dissociative disorders.  
I am available to work with clinicians, whether trained in EMDR or working within other approaches, individually or in small groups, by Skype or telephone.

Consultation for EMDR-Trained Clinicians

Clinical case consultation is available for:
- Clinicians interested in obtaining consultation after their Part I and/or Part II EMDR trainings.
Consultation can be helpful integrating EMDR into a clinician’s usual ways of working. This might include such issues as history taking for EMDR, case conceptualization and treatment planning, overcoming initial anxieties about EMDR, preparing clients for processing, preventing and/or recovering from problems, selecting target memories, developing negative and positive cognitions, designing Cognitive Interweaves, closing incomplete sessions and working with specific EMDR protocols.
- For clinicians already experienced with EMDR, individual or small group consultation is available focusing on using EMDR with clients who have complex posttraumatic and dissociative disorders. These meetings might focus on such issues as: integrating EMDR into phase-oriented treatment for trauma, managing complex treatment planning, using protective targeting strategies, recognizing and working safely and productively with dissociative interferences to therapeutic change, specialized adaptations of EMDR procedures and protocols, working with the phobias of structural dissociation of the personality  
- For clinicians working towards becoming an EMDRIA Certified or Approved Consultant, the focus of such consultation would be tailored to the needs and aims of the clinicians.